What Are Phobias (Specific Phobias)?
Symptoms often arise from anticipation of the presence of the feared stimulus as well as the actual presence of the actual stimulus.
Increased heart rate
Dizziness or unsteadiness
Shaking or trembling
Nausea or stomach upset
Feeling short of breath
Avoidance behavior to not confront the feared object or stimulus.
Diagnostic Criteria
The individual suffers from a persistent fear that is either unreasonable or excessive, caused by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or situation
Exposure to the stimulus usually results in an anxiety response
The sufferer recognizes that their fear is disproportionate to the perceived threat or danger
Individuals take steps to avoid the object or situation they fear, or endure such experiences with intense distress or anxiety
The phobic reaction, anticipation or avoidance interferes with the individual's normal routine and relationships, or causes significant distress
The phobia has persisted for a period of time, usually six months or longer.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT can be effective in treating the specific phobias. Treatment typically involves gradually exposing the client to the feared situation or stimulus, in combination with relaxation techniques and cognitive restructuring while the exposure is occurring.
Medication: Anti-anxiety medications can be taken by the patient prior to exposure to the feared situation, such as before the plane flight.
Often the patient does not seek treatment if they are able to structure their life in a manner in which they are rarely or never exposed to the feared stimulus.